Welcome to nostr help

Nostr Help is an attempt to give people a place to ask for help in a more formal way. Either by looking through the FAQ or by submitting a ticket to have someone help you Directly. 

If you need some technical help or have a more general question to help understand what nostr is, how it works and how you can leverage it, we are here to help!

Make an account and search the FAQ. If your question is not there, open a ticket and someone will get back to you soon.

Before creating your ticket, please check our knowledgebase section. You will find solutions to most of your queries.
Open a New Ticket
Submit a new support request. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can best assist you. To update a previously submitted ticket, please click on the " Check Ticket Status" link below. A valid email address is required.
Check Ticket Status
Check status of previously opened ticket. we provide archives and history of all your support requests complete with responses.

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